Aklan Inter-Agency Task Force for COVID19 Meeting
The Aklan Inter-Agency Task Force for COVID19 in an emergency meeting together with the virtual presence of the Municipal Mayor’s in Aklan has shown the six municipalities that are considered “high risk” due to COVID-19 infections on June 7, 2021.

Governor Florencio T. Miraflores headed the said meeting revealed that there are alarming rates of COVID-19 positive cases in the province.

The “high risk” municipalities Altavas, Balete, Ibajay, Lezo, Kalibo, and Malay while moderate risk towns are Malinao, New Washington, and Numancia.

In the said meeting it is agreed that the Governor will implement measures in the stricter implementation of MGCQ protocols in Aklan in the attempt to stop the further increase of COVID19 cases.

Among the measures to be taken would limiting the movements of vulnerable groups, operations of some establishments, and travel guidelines in high-risk municipalities and protocols for those returning Aklanon residents.

The guidelines have been reflected in Executive Order No. 005-C that Governor Miraflores has issued on June 8, 2021.

Photo courtesy of Provincial Health Office – Aklan