The province of Aklan has been placed under Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) classification starting August 1-15, 2021 by virtue of IATF Resolution No. 130-D, Series Of 2021. On his part Governor Florencio T. Miraflores has issued Executive Order 018, Series of 2021 to set guidelines and protocols to be implemented in the Province of Aklan.

Here are the salient provisions of the EO 2021-018.



1. Public and private hospital and health front line services
2. Health, emergency and frontline services, including those provided by dialysis centers, chemotherapy centers, and the like;
3. Industries involved in agriculture, forestry, and fishery and their workers, including farmers, agrarian reform beneficiaries, fisherfolks;
4. Logistics service providers (delivery and courier services, cargo handling, warehousing, trucking, freight forwarding, port operations and shipping line);
5. Essential and priority construction projects, whether public or private, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Department of Public Works and Highways;
6. Companies that manufacture and/or supply equipment or products necessary to perform construction or maintenance works, such as cement and steel, or spare parts;
7. Essential retail trade and service establishments such as public markets, supermarkets, grocery stores, convenience stores, pharmacies or drug stores, laundry shops, water-refilling stations, hardware stores, and office supplies stores;
8. Public and private financial service providers involved in the distribution of government grants and amelioration subsidies;
9. Business process outsourcing establishments (BPOs), and export-oriented businesses, including mining and quarrying activities.
10. Public transport providers and operators.
11. Media establishments and their total permanent staff complement, inclusive of reporters and other field employees.
12. Dental, rehabilitation, optometry, and other medical clinics for the treatment of illness or injuries. Provided, that there is strict observance of infection prevention and control protocols. Provided, further, that dental procedures shall be limited to emergency cases only and that the wearing of full Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) by dentists and attendants shall be mandatory. Provided, finally, that home service therapy for Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) shall be allowed;
13. Veterinary clinics;
14. Banks, money transfer services, including pawnshops only insofar as performing money transfer functions, microfinance institutions, and credit cooperatives, including their armored vehicle services, if any;
15. Water supply and janitorial/sanitation services and facilities, including waste disposal services, as well as property management and building utility services;
16. The energy sector (oil, gas, and power companies), their third-party contractors and service providers, including employees involved in electric transmission and distribution, electric power plant and line maintenance, electricity market and retail suppliers, as well as those involved in the exploration, operations, trading and delivery of coal, oil, crude or petroleum and by-products (gasoline, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas, jet oil, kerosene, lubricants), including gasoline stations, refineries, and depots or any kind of fuel used to produce electricity;
17. Telecommunications companies, internet service providers, cable television providers, including those who perform indirect services such as the technical, sales, and other support personnel, as well as the employees of their third-party contractors doing sales, installation, maintenance, and repair works;
18. Airline and aircraft maintenance, pilots and crew, and employees of aviation schools for purposes of the pilot’s recurrent training for flight proficiency and type rating using simulator facilities; and ship captains and crew, including shipyard operations and repair;
19. Funeral and embalming services;
20. Security personnel licensed by the PNP – Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies;
21. Printing establishments authorized by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and other government agencies to print accountable forms and other security documents;
22. Establishments engaged in repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment, for households and essential permitted establishments;
23. Establishments engaged in repair and maintenance of motorized and non-motorized vehicles, including the sale of spare parts;
24. Lawyers who will provide legal representation necessary to protect rights of persons as well as legal services for permitted establishments;
25. All other establishments, to the extent necessary for the buying and selling of consumer goods or services via the internet.

B. CATEGORY II (50% capacity)

1. Office Administrative and Office support (such as photocopying, billing, and record keeping services)
2. other financial services (e.g money exchange, insurance, reinsurance, lending companies and non-compulsory pending funding);
3. architecture and engineering activities, technical testing and analysis;
4. computer programming
5. publishing and printing services
6. wholesale and retail trade of vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles, including their parts and components;
7. travel agencies, tour operators, reservation service and related activities
8. pet grooming services
9. non leisure wholesale and retail establishments (mail-based or otherwise)
10. driving schools (subject to dotr guidelines)
11. review centers
12. outdoor sports, courts or venues (non contact sports)

Except (not allowed)
1. Contact sports, games or activities
2. indoor sports, courts or venues, fitness studios, gyms or other leisure centers or facilities, and swimming pools

C. CATEGORY III (Not allowed to open)

1. Indoor visitor or tourist attractions, libraries, archives, museums, galleries, cultural and exhibits.
2. Outdoor tourist attractions;
3. No indoor and outdoor dining shall be allowed except takeout and delivery services.
4. meetings, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions;
5. social events in eligible venue establishments
6. other personal care services which include beauty salons, beauty parlors, medical aesthetic clinics, cosmetic or derma clinics, make-up salons, nail spas, reflexology, aesthetics, wellness, and holistic centers, and other similar establishments; acupuncture and electrocautery establishments, and massage therapy including sports therapy establishments. It also includes establishments providing tanning services, body piercings, tattooing, and similar services.

D. CATEGORY IV (Not allowed)

1. cinemas, amusement parks of theme parks
2. Casinos, lottery and betting shops, and other gaming establishments
3. Horse racing
4. recreational venues such as internet cafes, billiard halls, amusement arcades, bowling alleys and similar venues
5. cockfighting and operation of cockpits including e-sabong
6. entertainment venues with live performances as such karaoke bars, bars, clubs, concert halls and theaters
7. fairs/programs, kid amusement industries such as playground, playroom and kiddie rides


1. only those returning Aklanons are allowed to go home from outside of Region 6. No valid ID with Lezo address no notice of coordination.
• Notice of Coordination/ Acceptance mula sa Office of the Mayor ng Lezo
• Screenshot ng OHDC confirmation page mula sa
• Philippine Government issued ID with Aklan Address
• Negative RT- PCR test result na kinuha 72 hours mula sa petsa ng extraction hanggang sa petsa ng pagbyahe (RT-PCR, Saliva or Nasopharyngeal Swab Test). Hindi tinatanggap ang antigen or rapid test result.
• Ticket o Travel Details (Only Kalibo Airport is allowed entry point for air travel)
• Pending S-PASS TCP Application mula sa


A. all movements shall be limited to accessing goods and services from permitted establishments for work, in establishments or for such other activities allowed under Section 1.
B. Shall remain in their residence at all times
1. persons below 18
2. over 65 years old
3. those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, or other health risks
4. pregnant women

EXCEPT for those who go out of their residences for essential goods and services and for health/medical reasons subject to the protocols of the municipality/barangay of their residence like securing quarantine/travel pass.

C. pedal bikers for leisure within the municipality only except for those who use their bikes for means of transportation.

Section 4. CUREFEW HOURS. 8:00 PM to 4:00 AM (provincewide) from August 1-31, 2021.

Exempted are APORS such as
1. medical services provider
2. funeral service
3. emergency responders (BFP, rescue, dswd, bherts, lgu officials)
4. security services (afp, pnp, bjmp, nbi, ots boc, bi and ppa, security guards, force multipliers/tanods)
5. delivery personnel (maximum of 3 including the driver)


1. More than 5 people outside of residence
2. religious gathering (30%)
3. gathering for necro, wakes, funerals for those who died of causes other than COVID-19 shall be allowed provided that its shall be limited to immediate family members.

1. Motorcycle – subject to the LGU regulation
2. tricycle – 3 passengers only including the driver
3. muticab – 50% seating capacity
4. jeepney – 50% seating capacity
5. commuter van – 7 passengers excluding the driver
6. local minibus – 50% seating capacity
7. regular bus – 50% seating capacity
8. private vehicles (cars) – 3 passengers excluding the driver
Public transport shall not board a person without facemask and faceshield. Driver and passenger will face administrative fine (local ordinance)


B. Inter-Municipal Border control. Non-essential travelers going to another municipality shall secure a TRAVEL PASS from office of the Mayor subject to limitations as to the number of persons allowed.
C. Inter-Barangay Movement. Non-essential travelers shall secure a QUARANTINE PASS from the barangay of his residence before he is allowed to cross border to another barangay.
Only 1 travel/quarantine pass shall be issued for each family/household.
D. VACCINATION ROLL-OUT. The persons to be vaccinated allowed to go out provided they show proof of their scheduled vaccination.

SECTION 10. EFFECTIVITY – August 1-15, 2021.