8 COVID-19 Cases in Lezo
The Municipal Health Office (MHO) reported eight new confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Municipality of Lezo. This resulted to Lezo having eleven (11) active cases, seven (7) recovered, and one (1) fatality.

To date, Lezo has already 19 confirmed cases with 11 active cases, 7 recovered and 1 fatality.

All the confirmed were brought to Provincial Health Quarantine Facility.

The suspected index case infected a total of seven (7) cases: 2 from his family, 3 from his officemates, and 2 from his other officemates.

The last (8th) positive case is also a High-Risk Contact of one (1) positive death case.

Dr. Floriphez Lopez-Yerro, OIC Municipal Health Officer calls on everyone to only go out of their homes when absolutely necessary, and to follow public health and safety standards such as social distancing, wearing masks, frequent hand washing, and practicing proper cough etiquette in contributing to for their part in the fight against COVID-19.